Pacifica for Responsible Tourism is a grass-roots organization of vacation and hosted-rental small business individuals in the coastal town of Pacifica, California. We are a friendly and enthusiastic group of hospitality entrepreneurs who love to connect with visitors and suggest local businesses! We strive to make every hosting experience a positive one, for both our neighbors and our guests. We advocate for the protection of property and home-sharing rights. We believe that home sharing provides a lower-cost way for more people to access the coast, and also contribute to the vitality of our local economy. We love Pacifica and enjoy promoting and sharing it with visitors from across the U.S. and around the world.

It's important for Pacificans to realize we do not want unchecked growth in short term rentals. We are looking for approaches that eliminate bad actors, keep the current cap of 150 total units and allow all the benefits of responsbile tourism to our coastal community. Well managed, AirBNB rentals — that allow visitors to create lifelong memories here — are good for Pacifica.

We are merely trying to prevent the City Council from passing an irresponsible ordinance that would deprive the city of much needed tax revenue and a projected $10 million dollars that short term rentals bring to Pacifica.

Currently, the city is drafting an ordinance to cap unhosted short-term rentals at 90 days. The city's own employees have warned the Council that this will result in a certain decline in city taxes and fees collected of at least $700,000 in the first year. This does not account for additional loss in tourist revenue. We believe that will be in the millions of dollars.

Please join us. We need your voice to convince the council this is bad for Pacifica. We will be organizing and providing real-time updates in our fight to preserve responsible access to out beautiful city.

  • Pacifica currently runs a structural deficit on their city budget.
  • We are projected to experience an even larger budget shortfall by 2027.
  • Pacifica City Council is planning to cap unhosted Short Term Rentals (like AirBNB) punishing good hosts unnecessarily, eliminating nearly 5% of our city revenue with no plan to replace those lost essential funds.
  • Groups supporting the ban of unhosted short term rentals make outrageous claims about where that revenue will come from.
  • Our neighbor, Half Moon Bay, which Pacifica is modeling their plans on is currently cutting emergency services and has no plan in place to recover their budget deficit of $4 million.
  • As a Pacifican, you should be concerned about disastrous financial policy that will negatively impact our community.
  • Currently there are a small number of bad actors among the STR group, complaints against short term rental hosts currently account for 0.2% of police complaints.
  • We believe the current concerns about STR bad actors is easily remedied through effective enforcement. Enforcement that pays for itself.
  • We reject the 90-day cap on unhosted rentals,which make up the bulk of city revenues currently. The decision is fiscally irresponsible and bad for Pacifica.
  • We have drafted 6 policy proposals, that if enacted would immediately address concerns and eliminate any and all non-compliant, nuisance hosts.
  • We can enjoy the benefits of short term rentals, while solving the problem of bad actors.